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Friday, July 29, 2011

Good Vibes

At this very and exact moment in time, the author of this soon to be work of optimistic art,is riding the happy wave. I feel so full of good energy that I’ve decided to start an e-healing program.

It includes the following. Moi writing this annoyingly optimistic material and you – on the other side of the table, office, building, town, city, country, continent, or even world – receiving it and thinking what the hell is this moron on? And how can I e-get some?

And I will then say upon you: Time of Your Life by Greenday, and also consider the following.

And now for the details: So you had a bad day or week or month or life or whatever time you wish to extend your misery over. SO WHAT? It doesn’t need to contaminate the rest of your months or days or life (or that of the people around you, geez enough with the sulking already!)

Learn to let go and simplify things there hun, cause they won’t do it for ya!
Forgive and forget: All the shit people did to you – friends, colleagues, family or other. Karma’s already made plans for them and their unsuspecting behinds ;) So throw as far behind your back as your elbow /shoulder would allow.
Live it up a little: Stuck in traffic? SING LIKE A MORON UNTIL VEINS POP OUT ON UR FOREHEAD! Working in a cubicle with stinky noisy colleagues? Earphones help and so does Glade. (I also find that cha-cha-cha-ing in the kitchen while mixing your ordered salad to be VERY helpful and it also ensures you some peace, resulting from you looking like a complete idiot.)

Seriously, live it up a little: Someone you know is depressing the crap out of you? SING LIKE A MORON UNTIL VEINS POP OUT ON THEIR FOREHEAD. And a little booty shakin goes a long way trust me. When all else fails use a vodka bottle- to hit them on their head with. Chances are when they come around they’ll be feeling dizzy enough to get their mind off things.

Goof around, think what would I NEVER do, and do it! Sure, it sounds like the recipe for social decline and suicide, but like that cheesy sentence goes: “Those who care don’t matter, and those who matter don’t care.” (Review above mentioned salad mix cha-cha-cha dance.)

If you drink, indulge in the occasional or frequent alcohol, it seriously is a mood adjuster when handled reasonably. – But stay off drugs, and in school. And by the way, the more alcohol you drink, the louder you get. Which in my case, is not reasonable because I already am an incredibly loud talker (possibly due to poor hearing, I’ll never find out.) So this means, the more you drink, the louder you get, the more steam you’re blowing off. Although I’m not sure you’ll be able to make much sense. (Well we can’t win them all).

Feeling like you’re floundering about aimlessly in life with no purpose? Well guess what? SO ARE MOST OF US! The people who (think or pretend to) have a plan are the people most likely to feel drained and empty and shallow at the end of their run. Those who take it as it comes, are living it up to the max. You don’t need to have a trajectory  Just try and make the most of the places you land and discover all the wonderful and not so wonderful things they have to offer. That alone is enough purpose! It’s called LIVING.

Next, you have a shitload of problems and tasks and the entire world is falling apart all around you and you are the acting glue holding it together? Good on you. How many people do you know can struggle like that and face everything head on in utter style and still keep their chin up? (Besides, you tell a story like that to people, and girls will be lining up to help A-N-Y- W-A-Y- they can!)

What else? You’re always moving forward and leaving people behind? They will always wait for you no matter how far you go. If they care, they’ll always have a place for you in their hearts. And if they’re leaving than you’re better off without them. They’re only leaving to make room for better people to come along your way. Some might even leave notes on your car and make you smile.

And finally. You’re slaving away at a dead end job? Feeling unappreciated? Scared of leaving your post and being unemployed? Well guess what? Things will always resolve themselves. So don’t be afraid of taking a leap of faith into the unknown, and into the people that surround you. You might very well be surprised. And with difficult bosses, I’ve found that more often than not, the difficulty comes from the fact that they are idiots. Treat them accordingly, like you would a mental retard. And watch your career blossom into more brilliant things.

All I’m trying to get to is: it’s ok to smile and to laugh and crack up. Even in the darker moments. Nothing else can fix things like a good dose of smiles. MOLAR TO MOLAR like someone dear said. :D CHEEEEEEEEEEESE

To Sunshine, For Encouragement.