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Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Swine & Feline

OK. This is how this goes. I will describe two stereotypical characters, and you can feel free to associate people with them. And I'm sure you will.

Will eat up anything his snout falls upon.
Not only will it eat up anything its snout falls on, it fill even relocate to take in and devour even more things- senseful or senseless!
The swine wants it all.
Is constantly surrounded by filth.
Cannot look up- literally.
Reponsible for (well they were blamed for and associated with though did not physically spread out the virus- pharmaceutical companies did that)a disease that is responsible for such destruction and pain. oh and the suffering, let's not forget the suffering.
What else is a swine associated with? Well to tell you the truth, it's only benefit is it's good in your stomach. And while some people have taken great care to breeding it into and growing it to become an expensive comodity at times, let's be reaasonable it will all end up as the same end product! The same end product it was happily swimming in during its life. HA! How Ironic- poor little piggies, didn't see that one coming huh? woke up one day and it's a whole different kind of SHI*!

AND ABOVE ALL. The Swine will end up alone. Dead, alone, food. That's what it will be if mother nature runs its course (The writer wishes to disregard external influences on the fate of a pig at this time.)

and now, the Feline:

Adorable, cuddly, has attitude, gets exactly what it wants, KNOWS what it wants.
Selfish, manipulative, prances around flaunting its adorableness like it was the savior on judgement day.
But keep it long enough and it will go in heat, screaming at you for not giving it what it wants! Then it will destroy the homeliness of your home by performing acrobatics in your living room: up the curtains, through the cords, coughing hairballs left right and center. And hissing at anything that poses a threat to it, like say anything that's taking the attention that's supposed to be its own.
BUT, fear not. The FIRST person that comes and gives it better anything than you were, and its bye bye panama for you.

So, by now you're probably wondering why the- well, "talk", of felines and swines mine dwarlings. Well, to be honest, I've had it with the stereotypes. So I was thinking what if we threw them together and created a monster?
We could call it Feswi! ok back to being serious (seriously!),
they would breed a something that would punishment in its own right. oh a girl can dream.

The thing is, when I first realized this incredibly clear association between the stereotype and so many people that have walked in and on and through and around and out of my life- yes they did a lot of walking what do you want?- it just made me feel that much better. cause maybe there are nobler animals that people can be associated with, right? PLEASE?

Anyway I hope a line goes through one and the other gets chopped up in circles.

(not quite) Over and (almost) Out.

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