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Tuesday, June 14, 2011

B.S.: I Love You

There should be a limit to the amount of bullshit people are allowed to produce and contaminate other people with.

This should hold true for all of us- please note that I have included myself in this category of bullshitters. Regardless of the reasons that push us to paint painfully unbelievable pictures for others to dwell on and fall victim for, we should maybe allow for bullshit that is unsaturated- kinda like skimmed Bullshit if you will.

I am proud to say that while I still bullshit (in my case out of a need to avoid causing pain unto myself and others) I have at least reached a state where, as a rule, I do not bullshit more than twice a day.

Whereas most of the people that have started to really tumble from that ridiculously high pillar I had perched them on, have no measure or limit to the amount of bullshit- creative or otherwise- that they can come up with! And what's worse, what reallyyyy drives this donkey off the cliff, is that they in all honesty believe that the gullible audiences at their feet are falling for it.

So NO, you had no intention of meeting that deadline, and no you do not like your mother in law's new curtains, and I'll be damned if you had even thought of calling up your friends or visiting someone at the hospital or listening to some track someone recommended or read an article someone suggested. You also are not as tormented as you think you are, or pretend to be. Life is not a painful experience, its actually a playful one. So stop blaming time (or the lack thereof) and circumstances and other people. And come to grip with the following fact: you just can't be bothered. So why not just say so? WE CAN'T BE BOTHERED!

I can't be bothered to play the game, or the field. To meet people and pretend to want to make the effort of digging into a seemingly shallow surface to maybe find some depth. I can't be bothered listening to people who will ask you for your advice, and lament (yes like in the melodramas of "woe unto them") and then take their same pathetic story elsewhere and beg for the attention you just full-heartedly gave.

We are lonely. We can't get any lonelier or isolated I swear on all that is non-bullshit infected in this world that this is true. So for crying out loud, have the ba--- guts to be honest! Try a little truth. It's good for you. And for all of us.

B.S.: I Love You ;)